

在大峡谷州立大学工作是什么感觉? What brings people to the campus, and what encourages them to stay? 听听我们员工有什么要说的.

Charity Anderson smiling for a photo in the 人才管理 office at 欧洲杯押注


从工作在欧洲杯押注超过20年- 16年的保管人,目前作为一个场地管理员-慈善安德森说,她最喜欢的部分欧洲杯押注网页在欧洲杯押注工作是家庭方面, 她对近期的增长机会持乐观态度.

经历了多年的挑战, Charity says she’s felt empathy and support from the Grand Valley community, 特别是在她的团队中. 在查莉蒂的职业生涯中,有一段时间她住院了,她回忆起她的上司, 芮妮梅雷迪思, 来看望她. “伦斯真的很关心他的员工,”她说.

In November 2022, Charity was voted in as the Union President for 欧洲杯押注. 这个领导的机会让慈善机构与整个大学的同事建立了联系. 在这个新角色中, 她很喜欢和Krista McFarland(人力资源通才)密切合作,Krista McFarland对她的支持和友善无微不至. 另外, 慈善机构说,在她的工作领域有很多新的欧洲杯押注网页机会和获得证书的方式,这在过去是没有的.

Looking ahead, Charity is excited with the direction that Facilities Services is headed. “最近, 我觉得我有更多的创意自由,我的景观设计想法得到了支持.她期待着在继续她在欧洲杯押注的职业生涯的同时,有更多的机会去学习和表达自己.


Kelsey Sietsema和Koda一起坐在欧洲杯押注的K9单元里

Kelsey Sietsema, GVPD警犬和社区警官

警官凯尔西·西特sema在接受科达之前经历了漫长的求婚和培训过程, 欧洲杯押注的K9爆炸物探测犬, 湖人家族.

作为一名本科生,Sietsema开始在公共安全部(DPS)工作, 并喜欢与欧洲杯押注的员工建立人际关系, 以及获得现实世界的经验. 2014年,Sietsema进入了警察学院,不久之后成为了欧洲杯押注的全职警官. 几年后, Sietsema和她的搭档, 安德鲁·欣茨, 提出了一项将K9带入校园的建议.

这个想法最初是在Sietsema参加国土安全部举办的培训时产生的,他们在那里提出了这个问题, 欧洲杯押注的漏洞在哪里? 这时我才意识到,无论是欧洲杯押注还是周边地区都没有机会使用K9炸药探测犬. “如果有人想造成伤害, 欧洲杯押注 is a potential target with the size and diversity of our community,Sietsema说.

Sietsema回忆说,他得到了DPS领导人的充分支持, 特别是杰夫·斯托尔上尉和布兰登·德哈恩局长, 当提出这个想法时. 她能够进行这项研究, 其中包括前往密歇根州立大学了解更多校园K9项目. Once the proposal was approved, there was a position posted to be the canine handler. Sietsema was chosen for the position and for the past year and half, 她和科达形影不离.

除了德哈恩和斯托尔的支持, Sietsema reflected on the support she feels from President Philomena V. 曼特拉和其他大学领导. “曼特拉总统给我们发来了感谢函, as well as wellness resources when there have been critical situations,她说. With this support, Sietsema says, "It [GVPD] feels like a family within the university. 我为什么要去别的地方工作?"



Madison "MJ" Creutz, Assistant Director of Title IX and Institutional Equity

After earning a bachelor's degree in Integrative Studies from 欧洲杯押注 in 2015, MJ·克鲁兹没有想到会回到格兰德山谷. 然而, 当她在芝加哥完成研究生学业后得知欧洲杯押注住房和住宿生活部门有空缺时, 她想起了她在这个机构度过的时光和她建立的关系. “I know it’s cliché, but my undergrad experience changed my life. It transformed me and still inspires who I want to be,” Creutz recalled. “大峡谷有办法把校友带回校园,我很高兴能成为其中的一员.”

作为一名本科生, 克鲁兹选修了一门名为“公民话语”的课程, 这是欧洲杯押注课程的第一部分, 而且和教授关系很好, 丽莎Perhamus, who is now the director for the Padnos/Sarosik Center for Civil Discourse (PSCCD). They remained in contact and when she decided to return to 欧洲杯押注 as a staff member, 她又和Perhamus联系上了. 现在, Creutz是PSCCD的顾问委员会成员,在那里她帮助计划年度民间话语研讨会, select endowed professors for the Civil Discourse class and more. 另外, Creutz and Perhamus have partnered to facilitate a program called 反种族主义,白人意识 通过包容与公平研究所.

Creutz认为她的成功很大程度上要归功于她在欧洲杯押注建立的人际关系. 她最近的角色是第九条的助理主任, Creutz is thankful to have built meaningful relationships with students, 多年来,整个校园的教职员工. “Investing in these relationships means so much in my current role; Title IX is an intimidating office to be involved with from many angles,她想道。. “没有什么可以取代你所建立的人际关系的价值.”


Tina Lee standing and smiling with her son, 丹尼尔, in his cap and gown

Tina Lee, Administrative Assistant for Graduate and Lifetime Learning

在离开教室20多年之后, 2009年重返校园让蒂娜·李(Tina Lee)感到不安. 作为一个照顾九岁孩子的单身母亲, 她知道她想完成她的学业, 但肯定质疑她成功的机会. 13年前, adult learning was not often an area of focus in higher education, 这是一段令人生畏的旅程.

然而, Lee was immediately met with support and encouragement from 欧洲杯押注 faculty. 在她回到教室的第一堂课上, 李回忆起大卫·拜尔教授告诉她,他非常感谢她在课堂上提供成人的视角. 听到这些,她感到了归属感和鼓励. 除了拜尔教授, 李还记得许多老师都不遗余力地支持她的学业:统计学教授杰拉尔德·舒茨(Gerald Shoultz), 哲学教授查尔斯·霍格, 以及名誉教授朱迪·惠普斯, 举几个例子. Lee was able to obtain her bachelor’s degree in liberal studies in 2015 with a 3.5平均绩点.

一路上的老师们一直激励着李, 她重返学校的主要原因之一是她的儿子, 丹尼尔. “我想让他知道,无论他的目标是什么, 不管什么时候、花多长时间,这些目标都可以实现,李说. As 丹尼尔 graduated from 欧洲杯押注 in April 2022 with a bachelor’s degree in sport management, 他回忆起在他成长的过程中看着母亲努力完成学业的情景,他知道,如果她能做到的话, 他也可以.


卢克·马登戴着他的帽子和长袍拥抱着一个人, 背景是库克·卡里翁钟楼


When Luke Madden started with 欧洲杯押注 Records and Registration in 2018, 他面对的不仅是一份新工作的挑战, 但也会使人衰弱的焦虑和抑郁. And while a global pandemic may have further tested Madden’s mental health, 他一直在学习如何管理自己的挣扎, with much credit to his first supervisor who offered him the flexibility to do so.

通过COVID的高峰, 马登说,专注的练习和学习控制自己的内心是至关重要的. 他积极参加了凯伦·吉普森(Karen Gipson)领导的“高等教育中的正念”小组, 物理系的教员. 吉普森通过阅读这本书,教其他教职员工如何在工作和课堂上融入正念 20多岁的人:处理压力的生活技能...以及其他一切 霍莉·罗杰斯. 早在COVID之前, 马登一直在学习适应力, mindfulness and effective communication through presentations given by Elisa Salazar, now the employee ombuds and previously the work life consultant in 人力资源.

马登最近还获得了教育学硕士学位,他的研究重点是高等教育中的心理健康和正念练习. 通过个人经历和不断的学习, Madden能够更好地支持学生. “当你能够与学生建立联系时,他们会更容易接受, 同情, 并且可以帮助他们减轻任何压倒性的感觉,他说.

他在大峡谷的时候, Madden has been working to give back to the university community through co-creating the 欧洲杯押注 心理健康和幸福指数, spreading mental health awareness, and advocating for students and employees alike. 马登认识到欧洲杯押注正在取得的进步,并感谢湖人社区中那些开始创造一个培育和安全空间来谈论心理健康的人.



Alex Priebe,数字参与和传播助理主任(校友关系)

由于疫情,许多面对面的活动都被取消了, Alex Priebe came up with the idea to coordinate a cornhole tournament on campus. “I missed those opportunities to connect with colleagues from across campus over fun, 共享活动, 尤其是在夏天的时候,他说. “同时, I was working in Brooks College and we had just created our own custom cornhole boards. 我的队友, 奥布里沉闷的, and I had the idea to start the 欧洲杯押注 Cornhole Tournament as a fun, safe way to bring folks together to build community and connection across campus.”

Once the tournament was in motion, Priebe received support from all over the university. “网络团队给了我们一个网址和创建网页的空间. 人力资源部在组织方面帮助我们, 通信, 他们的学生设计师制作图形. 活动服务部门帮忙安排场地和物资. 田径运动员借给我们他们的孔板,校园里的许多同事也借给我们。. “这是一个全校范围内的团队的努力,看到大家一起创造新的东西是很有趣的. The best part was hanging out with colleagues from across campus, 会见新的教职员工, 笑, 满头大汗(那天将近90华氏度)!),一起在后院玩游戏.”

The way the tournament came together nicely illustrates Priebe’s experience at 欧洲杯押注, which he says is all about the wonderful people and supportive community we have here. 在这两个职位上,他都在校园里工作过, Priebe说, “我感到很受支持, 鼓励, 被照顾. 在我的团队之外, 每当我向其他部门寻求帮助时, someone is always there to show me the way and share their knowledge and resources. If that weren’t true, there’s no way we could have pulled off the Cornhole Tournament. 我在这里的时间越长,认识的人越多,我就越感激能成为湖人队的一员. 欧洲杯押注 is such a special place, and I feel lucky to get work here each day.”

了解更多有关 第二届欧洲杯押注康霍尔锦标赛将于5月19日举行. 前16支队伍已经满了. 加入候补名单,这样我们就能扩大比赛规模了!


Douglas Ayers smiling with his wife 丹尼尔le as they hold their new baby girl, 咏叹调

Douglas Ayers,模拟协调员

道格·艾尔斯, 欧洲杯押注仿真中心的仿真协调员, 和他的妻子丹妮尔得到了他们的第一个孩子, 咏叹调, 去年冬天. 多亏了欧洲杯押注的更新 育儿假政策, Doug was able to spend ample amount of time with 咏叹调 and 丹尼尔le. "When I discovered 欧洲杯押注 updated the parental leave, I was overjoyed," he said. “越来越多的研究围绕着父子二人制及其对孩子一生的长期益处展开. The extended leave allowed me to establish an incredible bond with my newborn daughter. 我永远不会忘记在她出生的头两个月里,我全身心地陪伴在她身边的记忆."

另外, Doug共享, "Being at home throughout the day allowed me to better support my wife with sleep, 晚餐准备, 和自我保健. 我能够和我的妻子一起去看医生和哺乳咨询,以解决我们新生儿的喂养困难. I feel empowered as a new father because of the time I spent with my family. I can confidently say that I used the paternal leave to the fullest, making the transition into parenthood less stressful than anticipated. 再次感谢您实施此更改!"

检查 亲生父母和非亲生父母的育儿假政策.


Erica Herwig standing with her two children in their soccer jerseys

Erica Herwig, Assistant Controller (Accounts Payable and Finance Systems)

“我是两个了不起的孩子的母亲. 他们是9岁和7岁. 作为一名职业母亲有很多挑战. 工作与生活平衡的挑战, 指导体育运动到在家辅导家庭作业, 到错过第一步却能在第一次迷恋中出现. 平衡这一点非常困难. 我的一个孩子在医学上很复杂. 他需要每周接受治疗. 他需要在家治疗他的疾病,或者与其他州的医生预约, 白天给医生或学校护士打额外的电话, 和学校开504次会. These extras are things most employers don't anticipate when hiring someone.

Be that employer, that boss, that leader who understands this possibility. 做一个把家庭放在第一位的领导者,允许额外的电话或需要放下一切来照顾他们的孩子. 作为一个认识到这一点的雇主或老板,将确保你的员工为你和你的组织做出更多的贡献. 

A workplace that respects my needs as a mother will get even more from me; I will be loyal and give my all every chance I have. I'm blessed to have this now and I certainly don't take it for granted. Last Friday, I took him to Chicago, and didn't once have to worry about work."

